Today the Franciscans deny their Nazi pastThis is a page from a 1946 US Intelligence report on the Ustasha. Note that the Ustasha had already moved much of their loot to Rome by 1946. The Vatican through Dominic Mandic(h), Chief Economist and General Definitor of the Franciscan Order was providing financial "means" to the Ustasha. John Loftus who has researched these issues for well over a decade has written, "Dominik Mandic controlled San Girolamo's [the ratline] finances ." Mandic arranged the laundering of Ustasha loot [likely via the Franciscan's Vatican Bank accounts to which he had access] and placed the Franciscan printing presses at the disposal of the Ustasha to print false identity information for war criminals. (Unholy Trinity, page 118). Today the Franciscans deny their Nazi past. |
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