The Belzec Death Camp


SS Lieutenant Gerstein also visited Belzec, and his famous description of the gas chambers is as horrible as any. Gerstein, an expert in Cyclone B gas, delivered a load of the experimental gas to Belzec. What he witnessed during the carbon monoxide gassing of Jews stunned him. Later he tried to convince papal officers and diplomats, but no one believed him.[12] His report follows: In the hot August weather the whole place smelt like the plague and there were millions of flies everywhere. . . . In front of us a sort of bathhouse with geraniums, then a few steps, and then three rooms each on the right and left, 5 x 5 m., 1.9 m. high, with wooden doors like garages. . . . On the roof, as a "witty little joke," the Star of David! In front of the building a notice: Heckenholt Institute. The next morning the transport arrived, containing 6,700 people, of whom 1,450 were dead. 200 Ukrainians tore open the doors and drove people out of the wagons with their leather whips. A big loudspeaker gave further instructions: undress completely, take off artificial limbs, spectacles, etc. Give up valuables at the counter without credit notes or receipts. Tie shoes together carefully (for textile salvage), otherwise in the pile of shoes, which was a good 25 m. high, no-one could have found a pair that matched. . . . Then the procession began to move, a long line of naked men, women, children. An SS man calmly told the crowd to take a deep breath in the disinfection chambers to expand the lungs. Inhalation would prevent disease and infection. When asked what was going to happen to them, he answered: "Well, of course, the men must work, building houses and roads, but the women don't have to work. Only if they want to, they can help with the housework or in the kitchen." This gave some amount of these poor people a glimmer of hope that lasted long enough for them to take the few steps into the chambers without resisting. The majority realized -- the smell told them what their fate was to be! So they climbed the steps and then they saw everything. Mothers with babies at the breast, naked little children, adults, men, women -- all naked. They hesitated, but they went into the gas chambers, pushed on by those behind them, or driven in by the leather whips of the SS. Most of them without saying a word. A Jewess of about 40, with eyes blazing, called down upon the heads of the murderers the blood being spilt. She received six lashes in the face from the commandant's riding whip. Many people in the packed chamber were praying, and Gerstein prayed with them. The doors closed. But the diesel engine did not work. The people waited in the chamber, some weeping, some standing quietly. Finally, after three hours, the diesel fired up: Up till then people were alive in these four gas chambers, four times 750 people in four times 45 cubic meters! Another 25 minutes went by. True, many were now dead. One could see that through the little glass window through which the electric light lit up the chamber for a moment. After 28 minutes few were still alive. At last, after 32 minutes everyone was dead! The Jewish work squad opened the doors and faced the standing upright dead pressed tightly together, unable, even in death, to fall down or bend over: One could tell the families, even in death. They were still holding hands, stiffened in death, so that it was difficult to tear them apart in order to clear the chamber for the next load. The corpses were thrown out -- wet with sweat and urine, soiled with excrement, menstrual blood on their legs. Children's bodies flew through the air. . . . The naked corpses were carried in wooden barrows just a few meters away to the pits. . . . After some days the putrefying bodies swelled up and by then, a short time later, collapsed violently so that a new batch could be thrown on top of them. Then 10 cm. of sand was strewn over it so that only a few single heads and arms stuck out.[13] If that method of execution was not bad enough, the Nazis had a unique process in reserve for those times when the gas facilities broke down or were overcrowded, which seemed often. The deportees who had been standing in the open without food for days were crammed into the train cars and sent a mile away. The floors had been covered with lime, and the victims suffocated -- in time.[14] Karski viewed that method of killing and reported on it. He described the guard marching the Jews to the waiting freight cars. A guard told the assembled people that they would be taken to a labor camp. Freight cars may carry 40 soldiers or 8 horses, but the Germans jammed 120 to 130 Jews into each car. The policeman slammed doors across the arms and legs that protruded: The floors of the car had been covered with a thick, white powder. It was quicklime. Quicklime is simply unslaked lime or calcium oxide that has been dehydrated. Anyone who has seen cement being mixed knows what occurs when water is poured on lime. The mixture bubbles and steams as the powder combines with the water generating a searing heat. The lime served a double purpose in the Nazi economy or brutality: The moist flesh coming on contact with the lime is quickly dehydrated and burned. The occupants of the cars would be literally burned to death before long, the flesh eaten from their bones. The Jews would die in agony. The lime was also an efficient and inexpensive preventative against the spreading of disease by the decomposing bodies. Not until evening were the forty-six cars packed. The train "with its quivering cargo of flesh seemed to throb, vibrate, rock and jump as if bewitched." After a period of certain calm, the train began "to moan and sob, wail and howl." A few dozen dead bodies remained on the ground. In the now quiet camp the only sounds were the inhuman screams that echoed from the moving train. Then these, too, ceased. All that was now left was the stench of excrement and rotting straw and a queer, sickening, acidulous odor which, I thought, may have come from the quantities of blood that had stained the ground. Karski, hearing the dwindling cries, pictured the journey in his mind. After a 13 kilometer trip, the train would halt in an empty field: Then nothing at all would happen. The train would stand stock still, patiently waiting while death penetrated into every corner of its interior. This would take from two to four days. The disposal process took from three to six days. Then the train would return to begin the process again.[15] Few inmates escaped from Belzec and only one survived the war.[16] [12] Gersteins and his reports are in Meltzer, 128; Toland, Hitler, 713- 714; Sereny 111; Saul Friedlander, Kurt Gerstein; and Pierre Joffroy, A Spy for God. [13] Gerhard Schoenberner, The Yellow Star, 171-174. [14] Sereny, 112. [15] Karski, "Polish Death Camp," 21. [16] EJ 4:455 Friedlander, Saul. Kurt Gernstein. New York: Knopf, 1969. Joffrey, Pierre. A Spy for God: The Ordeal of Kurt Gernstein. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1971 Karski, Jan. "Polish Death Camp." Colliers, October 14, 1944, 12. Memoir. Meltzer, Milton. Never to Forget. Schoenbacher, Gehard. The Yellow Star. New York: Bantam, 1973 Sereny, Gitta. Into that Darkness: From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder. Toland, John. Hitler. New York Doubleday, 1976 Exerpted From "Hitler's Death Camps" Konnilyn G. Feig. LOC D810.J4 F36 1981


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