Friday, 8 June, 2001, 02:54 GMT 03:54 UK Rwanda Nuns Guilty of Genocide
The 12 jury members reached their decision after deliberating into the early hours of Friday morning. They are the first civilians to have judged war crimes suspects from another country. The nuns, Sister Maria Kisito Mukabutera and Sister Gertrude Mukangango, could now face life in prison. The court heard how the women handed over thousands of people who had sought refuge in their convent. They even supplied cans of petrol to the Hutu militias, who set fire to a garage sheltering some It is not known exactly how many people died in the genocide 500 refugees.
The Belgian trial took place outside the United Nations Rwanda tribunal process in Arusha, Tanzania. It was the first time Belgium had used a law passed seven years ago, allowing its courts to hear cases of alleged human rights violations even if they were committed abroad. The court heard how the two nuns enthusiastically embraced genocide when they handed over up to 7,000 Tutsis sheltering in the convent in southern Rwanda. Survivors' TestimonyIn the two months that the trial has lasted, the jury has heard evidence from many survivors of the Rwandan genocide, that claimed as many as 800,000 lives. The defendants, who all now live in Belgium, had maintained their innocence throughout the trial. Their lawyers claimed they were the victims of a conspiracy. Human-rights groups hope the trial will set a precedent and make it harder for war criminals to seek sanctuary abroad. Belgium is the former colonial power in Rwanda, and its willingness to stage the trial may come in part from concerns here that it did not do enough to stop the genocide. Tribunal VerdictEarlier, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha reached its first "not guilty" verdict, when it acquitted former mayor Ignace Bagilshema of all genocide charges against him. He was accused of being involved in the murder of 45,000 Tutsis in the region where he was mayor. The judges said the prosecution had failed to prove its case. Since starting proceedings in 1994 the ICTR has found eight people guilty of genocide. Source: |
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