Concentration Camp ListFrance:
Longwy-Thiel: ""Very few people ever
heard of the Thiel-Longwy concentration camp in north-eastern France,
Alsace, close to Luxembourg, and the ex-Maginot line. Four kilometers
inside the Chantier de Fer in Thiel was a V2 rocket factory. The camp
was four kilometers outside the city, close the ex-German border. Five
hundred Hungarian machinists brought in from Auschwitz-Birkenau worked
in the factory. The camp was functional between May-October 1944. After
16 kilometers of marching, eight hours of work, the prisoners had to
carry heavy rocks for about a half mile, with the only purpose to further
deplete their "elan de vivre.' The insufficient calories provided for
that amount of work killed many prisoners. In October 1944, a few minutes
before the US army liberated the camp, the prisoners were transfered
from Thiel to Kochendorf, Germany. While the train passed above, US
Sherman tanks entered the camp below, only a few kilometers away. At
the same time, the US Army also liberated the Strutthoff camp."
Work camps were created by the Vichy Government in Morocco and Algeria. Thousands of Jews were sent to these camps by the French pro-nazi government of Petain:
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