Prayer Profile
The Jewish of Latvia
The Baltic nation of Latvia contains
a Jewish population of 15,000. Riga, the capital, is home to 11,000 of
these Jews and is the most important center of Jewish life in the countries
of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Jews have lived in Latvia for centuries. Before World War I,
Jews played a major role in the development of the country's industries,
commerce, and banking. Discrimination by the government, however, brought
ruin to many Jews in the country. The majority were forced into small
trade in the suburbs of Riga and in the provincial towns.
Local Latvians began to persecute the Jews immediately after
the German invasion of 1940. By the time World War II was over, more than
90% of Latvia's Jewish population had been exterminated in the Holocaust.
Today, Latvia's Jewish population consists of the descendants of Jews
who came to Latvia after the war from various parts of the Soviet Union.
What are their lives like?
The family structure of the Latvian Jew is monogamous (one wife, one husband),
and the line of descent is matrilineal (lineage traced through the female).
All marriages in Latvia are official civil ceremonies. A couple who wishes
to have a religious ceremony in the synagogue is required to have an official
civil ceremony afterward.
In the past, Jews in Latvia were particularly active in various
industries such as timber, beer brewing, tobacco, hides, textiles, canned
foods, and flour milling. About 50% of the Jews were engaged in commerce,
the great majority of them in medium or small sized trades. There were
no Jews in government positions, but today Latvia has one Jewish member
of parliament.
Because the majority of Jews in Latvia are from other former
Soviet nations, Russian is the primary language spoken. Bread and boiled
potatoes are the staples of their diet. They also eat apples, beef, cheese,
and cucumbers, when available.
Latvian Jews wear typical European clothing, although the style
of the clothing might already be dated. The majority of the Jews in Latvia
live in apartments built with bricks and cement. However, the quality
of the building materials varies. The Latvian Jew are permitted to own
Today, the Latvian Society for Jewish Culture is the leading
communal organization in Latvia. There is a Jewish school in Riga with
500 children who are learning Hebrew and Yiddish. The Jewish community
also runs a children's theater and choir. A Jewish hospital is also in
What are their beliefs?
During the era of Soviet rule, expression of religion was harshly repressed.
After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, religious freedom was reestablished.
As a whole, the Jews in Latvia today do not observe the religious
tenets of their Jewish faith, but there is a movement active in promoting
the observances of Judaism. This Chabad movement has established
the Lubavitcher sect, a very traditional branch of Hasidic Judaism
that stresses outreach to other Jews. This sect follows and observes the
teachings of a particular rabbi and his sons after him. They have once
again begun to observe Jewish festivals and traditions. For example, they
have begun to hold bar mitzvahs for teenage boys. Often, a bar
mitzvah marks the first time that a young man and his family have
ever entered a synagogue.
What are their needs?
The majority of Latvian Jews today are not able to enjoy full civil rights,
having lived in Latvia for only a few decades. There have been a number
of incidents of anti-Semitism against the Jews, including acts of violence.
Religious freedom has brought many people of Latvia into the
churches. Evangelical denominations are rapidly growing. However, the
Latvian Jew have remained largely untouched by the revival of Christianity.
Even so, there is a small, but thriving, group of Messianic Jews in Riga.
Prayer Points
- Ask the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers to the
Jews of Latvia.
- Ask God to anoint the Gospel as it goes forth via radio in
their area.
- Pray that God will reveal Himself to the Jews of Latvia through
dreams and visions.
- Pray that God will give the Messianic Jews of Riga boldness
to share the Gospel with their own people.
- Take authority over the spiritual principalities and powers
that have kept the Latvian Jew bound for many generations.
- Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will begin breaking up
the soil through worship and intercession.
- Ask the Lord to save key leaders among the Latvian Jew who
will boldly declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Pray for a triumphant Latvian Jew church, to the glory of
God's name!
See also:
The Jews of Europe
Latest estimates from the World Evangelization Research Center.
- People name: Jewish
- Country: Latvia
- Their language: Yidish
- Population:
- Largest religion:
- Christians: <1%
- Church members: 7
- Scriptures in their own language: Bible
- Jesus Film in their own language: None
- Christian broadcasts in their own language: Available
- Mission agencies working among this people: 0
- Persons who have heard the Gospel: 9,000 (40%)
- Persons who have never heard the Gospel: 13,000 (60%)
- Country: Latvia
- Population:
- Major peoples in size order:
- Major religions: