Involvement of the Swiss Red CrossThe following is an excerpt from an article taken from the Sydney Morning Herald dated Jan 12 . 2000. Titled .."US 'was aware of the Final Solution' by Arthur Spiegelman. " ...The congress's executive director, Mr. Elan Steinberg, said: " The issue of a written Hitler order remains unresolved by these documents, but what is unquestioned is that the Red Cross and the US government were aware of Hitler's genocidal intent." One of the documents is a memorandum written by the us consul in Geneva, Paul Squire, of a meeting he held on November 7, 1942, with a vice-president of the Red Cross, DR Carl Burckhardt, in which the latter quoted two high-level German sources as telling him that Hitler signed an order in 1941 calling for Germany to be judenfrei, or free of Jews, by the end of the following year. Burckhardt also told Squire that based on this information he wanted to issue a public appeal to help Jews throughout the world, but his plan was rejected at a full meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross on October 14, 1942. |
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